Ecosystem Services: New Frontiers in Land-Based Resources
What are ecosystem services markets?
How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change
Animating the Carbon Cycle 3
How Forests Store Carbon
Family-Owned Forests: How To Unlock The Carbon Potential In America's Backyard
Where Is the Carbon? Carbon Sequestration Potential from Private Forestland in the Southern United States
Leveraging the Landscape - State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2012
Do You Know What Your Forest Carbon Offsets Are?
Urban Forestry
The Potential for Soil Carbon Sequestration
Grasslands and Carbon - Processes and Trends
Forest Management Options for Carbon Sequestration - Considerations in the Eastern U.S.
Forest Management Options for Carbon Sequestration - A Western U.S. Perspective
Forests and Carbon - Trends and Data for the U.S.
Forest Carbon for the Private Landowner (Part 2) - Protocols, Projects and Opportunities
Forest Carbon for the Private Landowner (Part 1) - Basics of Carbon Offsets, Markets, and Trading
Bioenergy from Wood and Forest Carbon Dynamics
Guide to Environmental Markets for Farmers and Ranchers
Innovations in Market-Based Watershed Conservation in the United States - Payments for Watershed Services for Agricultural and Forest Landowners
Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due - Increasing Landowner Compensation for Ecosystem Services
Ecosystem Service Market Development - The Role and Opportunity for Finance
Meeting Regulatory Needs with Voluntary Conservation
Natural Resources Credit Trading Reference
Payments for Forest Carbon
Barking Up the Wrong Tree? Forest Sustainability in the Wake of Emerging Bioenergy Policies
ACRE Investment Management, LLC
American Carbon Registry
Aurora Sustainable Lands
Bio-Logical Capital
Blue Source
Bradley Raffle
Brandon Smith
Buena Vista Mitigation Bank
Chestnut Carbon Solutions
Climate Action Reserve
Coan Mill Stream Mitigation Bank
Conservation Plus
Cranston’s Mill Pond Nutrient Bank
Eco-Cap, LLC
Ecosystem Investment Partners
Ecosystem Marketplace
Ecosystem Services Market Consortium
Environmental Services, Inc.
EP Carbon
Evergreen Environmental, LLC
Family Forest Carbon Program
Finite Carbon
Forest Carbon Fund
Forest Carbon Works
Forest Trends
Grassroots Carbon
Green Assets, Inc
Hampstead Mitigation Bank
Indigo Ag
Locus Agricultural Solutions
Natural Capital Exchange (NCX)
Nori LLC
Seth Yoho
Soil Value Exchange, PBLLC
TerraCarbon LLC
The Climate Trust
The Forestland Group, LLC
Judah Cohen
Alan Sutherlin
Alanna Ostrowski
Amanda Scheps
American Forest Management
Andrew J. Lindberg
Andy Eubank
Azelis Agricultural & Environmental Solutions
Becky Woodson
Ben Balke
Bill Bond
Bill Walker
Bill Wray
Brad Carico
Brian Lacey
Brian W. Morse
Bruce A. Riley
Bryant Bays
Chad Stover
Christopher B. Reid
Christopher Brooks
Conservation Partners, LLC
D. Brad White
Dan Parker
Dan Wilson
Dana Malone, Malone Forest Consulting
Daniel Deitz
Daniel Wilson
Danielle Atkins
Dave Slack
David Anderton
David E. Birdsall Jr.
David R. Sheldon
David W. Slack
Dean Cumbia
Dennis Gaston
Deya Ramsden
Dixie Contractors
Dominic Chirico
Duane Means
Ed Stoots
Ed Zimmer
Edward R. (Reed) Stanley
Gary Bratton
Gelbert, Fullbright & Randolph Forestry Consultants
Gregory Garrison
Heather Tuck
Jack Kauffman
James D. Funk
James Furnish
Jeremey Falkenau
Jerre Creighton
Jesse Bander
Jim Schroering
Joe Lehnen
Joe Rossetti
Joey Collard
John H. (Jay) Crowder
John H. Kight, II
John H. Washburn
John Hisghman
John J. West
John Magruder
John Pemberton
John R. (Jack) Cannon
John Reid
John Shipley
Johnny Bickford
Joshua Just
Justin Barnes
Karl Didier
Katlin Dewitt
Keith Brouillard
Ken Sterner
Kirby Woolfolk
Kirk Ramsey
Lara Johnson
Larry Edwards
Lee Bethea
Lisa Deaton
Lori Chamberlin
Louis Brossy
Lueke Timber and Realty
Lynwood Rogers
Marcus E. Taylor
Mason Jeffries
Mason, Bruce & Girard
Matt Coleman
Matthew Colbert
Matthew Winn
McChesney 'Ches' Goodall III
Michael Bobb
Michael C. Boggs
Michael H. Ballinger
Michael Harold
Michael LaMana, CF, RCA
Mike Womack
Milo Crawford
Molly O'Liddy
Nelson Jarvis
Philip D. Bailey, MAI
Rachel Harris
Rob Farrell
Robbie Talbert
Russell Proctor
RX Fire Effects LLC
Ryan Hewitt
Sarah Parmelee
Scott Talmage Young
Scott Young
Shannon Lewis
Shortleaf Pine Initiative
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
Southern Group of State Foresters
Stephen A. Whitfield
Stephen D. Mallette
Stephen P. Lindberg
Sustainable Solutions LLC
Terry Lasher
The Longleaf Alliance
Timberlands Unlimited, Inc.
Todd Groh
Todd Kready
Tom Callahan
Trevor Saville
Virginia Department of Forestry
Virginia Forestry Association
W. Allen Jones, Jr.
W. Michael Lane
W. Michael Lewis
Warren Coburn
Wildland Forestry & Environmental, Inc
William E. Pownall
William M. Dryman
Woodland Vegetation Management
Zach Olinger
Banister Bend
Benges Creek
Buena Vista
Burnley Farms
Burnley Farms Mitigation Bank
Byrd Creek
Caeli Farms
Cannon Regional Environmental Bank
Cedar Run
Chesapeake Bay Wetland Mitigation Bank
Chesapeake Land Development Tidal
City of Virginia Beach Creeds Bank
Coan Mill Mitigation Bank
Dog Branch Farm
Dry Fork
Eastern Henrico
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
Elk Island
Falling Springs, LLC
Field Sport Concepts, LTD
Foggy Bottom Phase I
Foggy Bottom Phase II
Fort AP Hill
Glenthorne Farm
Graham and David
Greenfield Farm
Greenway Farm
Hampton Roads Airport
Healy's Environmental
Hull Springs Farm Mitigation Bank
Jacksons Arm Mitigation Bank
James Long Regional Park
JCC Single User Mitigation Bank
King William
Lake Gaston Stream MB
Lewis Farm Bank Site
Little Georgia Creek
Locust Shade
Lone Oak
Loudoun County
Low Ground
Lower James Stream Mitigation Bank
LRRT Money Point
LRRT Paradise Creek
Machodoc Mitigation Bank
Meadow Lawn Farm
Middle Peninsula
Mill Run
Miller Stream Bank
Mossy Creek North River
New Mill Creek Tidal
New River Highlands
North Fork
Northern Virginia Stream
ODEC - Virginia Power
Pamunkey Farms
Peters Farm
Pioneer Estate
Potato Run Stream Mitigation Bank
R-Board Environmental
Ragland Farm
Rappahannock Mitigation Bank
Red Hill Farm
Reedy Creek
Restoration Systems
Ritchie Road
Roanoke River
Rock Hedge
Slade Dale
South Market Mitigation Site
Tail Race
Thompson Place Farm
VARTF CB-1 - Dameron Marsh
VARTF CB-10 - Brooks/Ober
VARTF CB-11 Revere
VARTF CB-13 Thompson
VARTF CB-15 Dragon Run
VARTF CB-17 Thompson
VARTF CB-18 Dragon Run
VARTF CB-19 Carlson
VARTF CB-2 Trimmer
VARTF CB-20 Dragon Run
VARTF CB-3 Calhoun 1
VARTF CB-6 Calhoun 2
VARTF CB-7 Calhoun 3
VARTF CH-1 Northwest River (Kellam Rigato)
VARTF CH-6 Northwest River (Hall)
VARTF LJ-1 Chickahominy River (Walters)
VARTF LJ-4 Northwest River (Stephens)
VARTF PO-10 Walnut Hill
VARTF PO-6 Crows Nest (Phase 1)
VARTF PO-7 Crows Nest (Phase 2)
VARTF RP-1 Rappahannock Phragmites Control
VARTF RP-10 Rose 2
VARTF RP-3 Rappahannock Fish Passage
VARTF RP-5 Wellford
VARTF RP-8 Collawn
VARTF SH-2 Purcell Park
VARTF YK-1 Leonard
VARTF YK-10 Bach 2
VARTF YK-11 Credit Purchases
VARTF YK-2 Gwathmey
VARTF YK-3 Beldon
VARTF YK-6 Atwood
VARTF YK-7 Gwathmey 3
VDOT - Mattaponi
Vermont Farm
Virginia Wetland Consulting
White Cedar
White Marsh
White Oak Landing
Willis River
Windrow Farm
Woodford Mitigation Bank
York River
York River Mitigation Bank
500-Year Forest Foundation
Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture
Atlantic Coast Joint Venture
Cale Godfrey
Carl Tugend
Curtis Berry
Hilliard Estate and Land Management
Jackson Environmental Consulting Services, LLC
Kyle Rhodes
Leif Riddervold
Matt Knox
Ryan Brown
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Southern Conservation Partners
Southern Conservation Trust
Conservation Almanac
Conservation Corridor Toolkit
Mitigation and Conservation Banking
Investing in the Commonwealth's Land and Water
Alternatives to Real Estate Development Deriving Financial Benefits from Conservation and Mitigation Projects in Virginia - a Lender's Collateral Concerns
The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative - A range-wide plan for recovering bobwhites
A Guide to Successful Wildlife Food Plots - Blending Science with Common Sense
Getting Paid for Stewardship - An Agricultural Community Water Quality Trading Guide
Guidance for the Establishment, Use, and Operation of Conservation Banks
Conservation Banking
Conservation buffers - wildlife benefits in Southeastern agricultural systems
A Landowner’s Guide to Carbon Sequestration Credits
Aaron Proctor
Celia Vuocolo
Jay Howell
Kevin Rose
Marc Puckett
Mike Dye
Mike Fies
The Bobwhite Quail in Virginia
Todd Engelmeyer
Brian T. Chase
Ecological Restoration Business Association
Ecosystem Services Exchange
Marstel-Day, LLC
Meade A. Spotts
Unique Places Conservation
Colin Krause
Craig Roghair
Sandra Keppner
C&S Environmental Consulting
Jeff Gerlock, P.G.
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
American Farmland Trust
BC Nature
Brenda Schick
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Ottawa Valley Chapter
Central Virginia Battlefields Trust
Conservancy Hornby Island
Delta Waterfowl Foundation
Foothills Land Conservancy
Fraser Headwaters Alliance
Fraser Valley Conservancy
Gabriola Land and Trails Trust
Green Fence Conservation Trust
Historic Virginia Land Conservancy
Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust
Islands Trust Fund
John Sanderson
Kawartha Heritage Conservancy
Land Conservancy for Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
Land Trust Alliance
Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia
Land Trust of Virginia
Malaspina Land Conservancy
Mathews Land Conservancy
Michael Hart
Middle Peninsula Land Trust
Nanaimo Area Land Trust
Nature Conservancy of Canada
Nature Manitoba
Nature Trust of British Columbia
Nature Vancouver
North American Land Trust
Northern Neck Land Conservancy
Old Dominion Land Conservancy
Open Space Institute
Pender Islands Conservancy
Quadra Island Conservancy and Stewardship Society
Rebel Adams Powell, MAI, SRA
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Sage Advisors, LLC
Salt Spring Island Conservancy
Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Habitat Trust Fund
Savary Island Land Trust Society
Silva Forest Foundation
Societe de Protection Fonciere de Saint-Adele
Sportsmen's National Land Trust
Terrafirma RRG LLC
The Barn Group
The Nature Conservancy, Virginia
The Trustees of Reservations
Trout Unlimited
Virginia Outdoors Foundation
Waterloo Region Nature
Wetlands America Trust
Design Workshop
Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC
Bobby Lamb
Brooks M. Smith
C-K Associates, Inc
C. Timothy Lindstrom
Conservation Law Center
David S. Lionberger
Endangered Species Law and Policy Group
Flora Pettit, Attorneys at Law
Henry R. 'Speaker' Pollard, V
Joel Russell
John H. Foote
Lisa Anne Hawkins
Michael J. Rothermel
Nick Cramer
Reed W. Neuman
Ronald G. Doucette
Southern Environmental Law Center
Stephen J. Small, Esq.
Warren L. Tisdale
William L. Heartwell, III
Restore America's Estuaries
Working Lands for Wildlife Predictability FAQs
Working Lands For Wildlife
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