Wildland Forestry & Environmental, Inc is a private consulting forestry firm which specifically focuses on wildlife management, prescribed burning, native species restoration, and sustainable forestry.
In addition to traditional forest management consulting, WFE uniquely targets non-timber values for our clients. While we adequately address timber production as a key goal, most of our services aim to enhance wildlife habitats or diminishing ecological communities. We spend a great deal of time balancing a landowner's individual objective ranking before making recommendations. Our services will help to improve your property down to the last acre. The private landowner is the most significant person in the country in terms of quality land management, and we're glad to be on your side.
Specialized Areas of Focus
- Piedmont Prairie & Savannah Establishment
- Prescribed (Controlled) Burning & Fire Ecology
- Upland Timber Stand Improvement
- Progressive Wildlife Management
- Oak-Shortleaf & Longleaf Pine Ecosystems Restoration
- Property & Forest Planning
- Pollinator enhancement and landscape plantings
Available Services & Assistance
- Timber Estimation and Harvest Planning
- Ecological Restoration and Native Plantings
- Boundary & Stream Management Zone marking
- Endangered Species Assessment
- Cost-Share Assistance
- Pine Plantation Enhancement
- Recreational/Hunting Lease Administraion
- Conservation Easement Referrals
- GIS Mapping
- Forest Planning for Recreation
- Trail and Forest Road Construction
- Stream restoration
Contact Wildland Forestry & Environmental, Inc
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of VirginiaLandCAN.
Wildland Forestry & Environmental, Inc is not employed by or affiliated with the Virginia Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Wildland Forestry & Environmental, Inc
Brandon Price
Consulting Wildlife Forester
629 Smothers Rd
Madison, NC 27025
Cell Phone: (336) 430-2562
Service Area
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