Virginia LandCAN is dedicated to Magalen Ohrstrom Bryant the extended Ohrstrom family who have pioneered and been in the forefront of private land conservation in Virginia and across America for three decades. Magalen (deceased 27 June 2021) was the board Chair at National Fish and Wildlife Foundation when they initiated private land conservation grants in the mid-1990s, and she has been a champion of conservation easements in Virginia and other states as well. Wright Ohrstrom and the GL Ohrstrom Foundation has been steadfast supporters of LandCAN for a decade, as has the Ohrstrom foundation with dedicated funding for Virginia LandCAN, and George Ohrstrom II is a leadership board member of LandCAN and Co-chair of the Piedmont Environment Council (PEC). His brother Mark is on the executive committee of PEC as well and a past Treasurer of that organization.
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