Working Lands for Wildlife Implementation Process
Working Lands for Wildlife Predictability FAQs
Working Lands for Wildlife magazine: A Partnership for Conserving Landscapes, Communities and Wildlife
Working Lands For Wildlife
Virginia Natural Resources Conservation Service
Greg M. Peters
Julia Debes
Working Lands for Wildlife
Grazing Management for the Future
Using Existing Tools to Expand Cooperative Conservation for Candidate Species Across Federal and Non-Federal Lands
Guide to Threatened and Endangered Species on Private Lands In Virginia
Cooperative Conservation - Determinants of Landowner Engagement in Conserving Endangered Species
Celia Vuocolo
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
Environmental Services, Inc.
Jackson Environmental Consulting Services, LLC
Jay Howell
Kevin Rose
Marc Puckett
Mike Fies
Southern Conservation Trust
The Bobwhite Quail in Virginia
Virginia Wetland Consulting
500-Year Forest Foundation
Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture
Atlantic Coast Joint Venture
Brian W. Morse
Bruce A. Riley
Cale Godfrey
Carl Tugend
Curtis Berry
Dixie Contractors
Eco-Cap, LLC
Hilliard Estate and Land Management
Kyle Rhodes
Leif Riddervold
Matt Knox
McChesney 'Ches' Goodall III
RX Fire Effects LLC
Ryan Brown
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Southern Conservation Partners
Sustainable Solutions LLC
Wildland Forestry & Environmental, Inc
Woodland Vegetation Management
Returning Fire to the Land
Reducing Woody Encroachment in Grasslands: A Guide for Understanding Risk and Vulnerability
Butterflies and Moths of North America Data Collection
Get to know Aurelia Skipwith the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Managing Land in the Piedmont of Virginia
Habitat for Wildlife
Fire Effects Information System
Habitat at Home
6 Basic Steps to Conveying a Conservation Easement
Best Tree Finder
Arborist Search
Managing Land in the Piedmont of Virginia for the Benefit of Birds and Other Wildlife
Safe Harbor - Helping Landowners Help Endangered Species
Managing Pine Stands for Wildlife
Creating Herbaceous Woodland Openings to Improve Wildlife Habitat
Lightning-Season Burning - Friend or Foe of Breeding Birds?
Conservation buffers - wildlife benefits in Southeastern agricultural systems
THE BOBWHITE BULLETIN - An Update on the Virginia Quail Recovery Initiative 5th Edition, Fall 2014
Northern Bobwhite Quail Action Plan for Virginia
Potential of Reclaimed Mine-land Habitat to Support Northern Bobwhite – a pilot study
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Grants
Fish Passage Program - Northeast Region
Habitat Conservation Plans
MultiState Conservation Grant Program
National Fish Passage Program
Nationwide Candidate Conservation Agreement for Monarch Butterfly on Energy and Transportation Lands
Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Grants Program
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
North American Wetlands Conservation Act Small Grants Program
North American Wetlands Conservation Act Standard Grants Program
Partners For Fish And Wildlife Program - National
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program in Virginia
Safe Harbor Agreements
Sandra Keppner
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Coastal Program
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program
A Tribute To The Monarch Butterfly: How to Turn Your Backyard Into a Butterfly Friendly Habitat
FY2017 Longleaf Pine Strategy
NatureServe Explorer
Native Seed Network
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - Native Plant Database
Mitigation and Conservation Banking
A Management Guide for Invasive Plants in Southern Forests
NBCI’s Bobwhite Almanac, State of the Bobwhite 2012
The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative - A range-wide plan for recovering bobwhites
Inspection and Cleaning Manual for Equipment and Vehicles to Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species 2012 Edition
Endemic Species and Biodiversity Hotspots
Native Plants - A Quick Reference Guide
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Summary
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix O - Reference Maps
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix M - Recommendations for Education and Outreach Actions
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix N - DEQ Impaired Waters Map
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix P - Public Comments
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix J - Research and Monitoring Needs Identified by the Taxonomic Advisory Committes
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix L - Summaries of Community Meetings Facilitated by VCU's Center for Public Policy
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix H - Threats to Virginia's Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix I - Conservation Actions Identified by the Taxonomic Advisory Committees
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix K - Landcover Classes
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix E - List of Tier I Species and Reviewers
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix F - Complete List of Stress/Source Combinations Identified by the Taxonomic Advisory Committees
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix G - Habitat Grouping Used by TACs in Assessment of Threats, Conservation Actions, and Research/Monitoring Needs
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix B - Species of Greatest Conservation Need With No Known Ecoregional Associations
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix C - Terrestrial Species With No Landcover Associations
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix D - Potential Habitat Mapping for Terrestrial & Aquatic Tier I Species
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Chapter 10 - Conclusions
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Glossary
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Appendix A - The Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Chapter 8 - Virginia's Northern Cumberland Mountains
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Chapter 9 - Virginia's Southern Cumberland Mountains
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Chapter 5 - Virginia's Southern Appalachian Piedmont
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Chapter 6 - Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Chapter 7 - Virginia's Northern Ridge and Valley
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Chapter 2 - Methods
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Chapter 3 - Statewide Overview
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Chapter 4 - Virginia's Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Cover
Virginia's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2005 - Chapter 1 - Introduction
Ecology and Management of Bark Beetles (Coleoptera - Curculionidae - Scolytinae) in Southern Pine Forests
Developing Wildlife-Friendly Pine Plantations
Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora
Establishing Native Warm Season Grasses For Upland Wildlife
Longleaf Pine Regeneration
USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Framework For Non-Native Invasive Species
Invasive Plant Responses to Silvicultural Practices in the South
Colin Krause
Craig Roghair
Blue Ridge Wildflower Society - Virginia Native Plant Society
Potowmack Chapter - Virginia Native Plant Society
Prince William Wildflower Society - Virginia Native Plant Society
Virginia Native Plant Society
Wild Ones - Blue Ridge Chapter
Almost Eden
Applewood Seed Company
Brent & Becky's Bulbs
Buy Rare Seeds
Byron Nursery
Chief River Nursery Company
Dropseed Native Plant Nursery
Earth Sangha
Evergreen Landscape Nursery
Fast Growing Trees
Garden Gate Landscape & Design, LLC
Heritage Flower Farm
High Country Gardens
Hill House Farm & Nursery
Holland Wildflower Farm
Iara Lacher
Itasca Ladyslipper Farm
Izel Native Plants
Joyful Butterfly
JW Townsend Landscapes
McKay Nursery Company
Meadowview Biological Research Station
Mellow Marsh Farm
Mesa Garden
Mid Atlantic Natives
Mobjack Nurseries, Inc.
Native Texas Nursery
Natural Communities Native Plants
Nature By Design
Nicholls Gardens
Piedmont Nursery LLC
Pine Ridge Gardens
Pinelands Nursery Inc
Riverside Nursery Inc
Rock Creek Mulch & Nursery
Rocky Creek Nurseries, Inc.
Rolling River Nursery
Roundstone Native Seed, LLC
Sandy’s Plants, Inc.
Saunders Brothers
Seth Yoho
Shreckhise Nurseries
Southern Branch Nursery
Spring Hill Nurseries
The Natural Garden
Watermark Woods
Wildflower Farm
Appalachian Plant Materials Center
ArborGen Blenheim Nursery
Bennett's Creek Nursery
Cape May Plant Materials Center
Clearwater Seeds
Conservation Blueprint
Davids Nursery, LLC
Elberta Forest Tree Nursery
IFCO Seedlings
Johnny's Selected Seeds
Lancaster Farms, Inc.
Lilley Farms & Nursery, Inc.
Live Monarch Foundation
Native Bee-Ginnings
The Right Seed
Bill Bond
Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) Information Resource for the United States Geological Survey
National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC) - Gateway to invasive species information covering Federal, State, local, and international sources.
Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States
Greenbook Plant Protection Product Search
Virginia Invasive Species Management Plan 2012
Hydrilla Verticellata
ExFor The Exotic Forest Pest Information System for North America Participant’s Guidelines
How to Prevent the Spread of New Zealand Mudsnails through Field Gear
Water Gardens and Introduced Species
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force Strategic Plan (2013 – 2017)
Overview of EPA Authorities for Natural Resource Managers Developing Aquatic Invasive Species Rapid Response and Management Plans
What is White Nose Syndrome in Bats and Why Does it Matter?
Aquatic Weed Management Control Methods
Non-native Invasive Species Best Management Practices
Recovering America’s Wildlife Act
NBCI Coordinated Implementation Program. Addendum, The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative - A range-wide plan for recovering bobwhite
State Of The Bobwhite - Grassland Conservation At A Crossroads
Conservation Reserve Program - CP33–Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds - Bird Monitoring and Evaluation Plan 2006–2011 Final Report
Bobwhite Quail Biology and Management
Cary Hulse
Evergreen Environmental, LLC
Marstel-Day, LLC
Restore America's Estuaries
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