Alex J. Uminski, SRA
Allen S. Nicholls
Alvaro A. Delgado, SRA
Alvin R. Young, SRA
American Forest Management
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
Angela B Miller, SRA
Ashley K. Hibbard
Betsy K. Hughes, SRA
Beverly T. Davis
Bradley R. Sanford, MAI
Brian A. Gander, SRA
Brian C. Jones, MAI
Brian J. Dundon, MAI
Brian Korach, MAI
Buddy (Ira) Humphrey
Byron H Howe, SRA
Cameron B. Wood
Casey Burns, MAI
Catherine L. Sullins, MAI
Cecil P. Miller, Jr., SRA
Charles M. Darling, SRA
Charles V. Hostetler, SRA
Charles W. Bowers
Charles W. Parkhurst, MAI, SRA
Cheryl B. Whirley
Christian P. Kaila, MAI, SRA
Christopher J. Allard
Christopher M Vail
Christopher M. Carmody, SRA
Christopher Perry
Corinna A. Payne, SRA
Curtis M. Darlington
D. Lynn Ross, SRA
Daniel A. Liebermann, MAI
David C. Green, SRA
David C. Lennhoff, MAI, SRA
David E. Richards, MAI
David G. Lester, Sr., SRA
David H. MacMillan, SRA
David R. Belote, SRA
David R. Wright, Jr., MAI
Deborah J. Collyer, MAI
Dennis G. Damant, SRA
Dennis W. Gruelle, MAI, SRA
Derek R. Molen
Diana L. Ernst
Donald G. Pendleton, Jr
Donald J. Powers, Jr, MAI
Donald S. Hess, SRA
Doug Chapman
Doug Schepker, MAI, SRA
Earl L. Wynings, Jr, SRA
Edward G. Knight, MAI, SRA
Eric C. Richards
Eric C. Sullivan, MAI
Eric Sobotka
Eugene A. Joseph, Jr, MAI, SRA
Francis O. Omorodion, MAI
Franklyn L. Stanfield, SRA
G. Douglas Schepp
Gary Bratton
Gary I. Powell, SRA
George J. Finley, MAI
Gregory M. Worman, MAI
Gregory Mackey
Gregory S. Allison, MAI
H. Glenn James, MAI
Harrison M. Chavis, MAI
Harry F. Hoffmann, Jr, SRA
Heather M. Placer, MAI, SRA
Heather Shipe
Henry T. Thrasher, SRA
Herbert N. Kilbourn, MAI
Howard D. Hulen, SRA
Ian Chavis, MAI
Ivo H. Romenesko, MAI, SRA
J. Craig Sewell, SRA
J. Eric Moore, MAI
J. Mark White, SRA
Jacquelyn Worman, MAI
James Burok, MAI
James D. Leonard, II, SRA
James F. Windley, MAI
James H. Boykin, MAI, SRA
James J. Ryan, SRA
James L. Butler, III, SRA
James M. Powell, SRA
James Milliken Kennedy
James R. Johnston, Sr., MAI, SRA
James S. Hunsecker, SRA
Jared L. Schweitzer, MAI
Jason P. Donahoe
Jean M. Gannon, SRA
Jeffrey L. Wineland, SRA
Jeffrey M. Doyon, MAI
Jeffrey M. Ward, SRA
Jeffrey S. Allen, MAI
Jeffrey S. Harris, MAI
Jeffrey S. McCormick, MAI
Jerrold Harvey, MAI
Jerry M. Grubb
Jessica Meza
John A. Hanger, MAI
John A. Simpson, MAI
John C. Reyle, MAI
John Creekmore
John D. Winn, MAI
John E. Bochman
John L. Soscia, MAI
John M. Lansbury, MAI
John P. McCarthy, III
John Philip Cooley, MAI
John R. Lane, MAI
John R. Nolan, MAI
John Swanberg, MAI
John Thomas Johnson
Jonathan Aikin, SRA
Joseph A. Grouby
Joseph E. Thompson, MAI
Joseph G. Copeland, Jr.
Joseph S. Durrer, Jr, MAI, SRA
Joseph W. Smith, III, MAI
Justin Baker, MAI
Katherine C. Baker, MAI
Kelly N. Yeatts, MAI
Kendall C. Bradley and Associates, Inc.
Kenneth L. Brown, MAI
Kenneth M. Hummel, MAI
Kenneth M. Jenkins, Jr, SRA
Kenneth P Copeland, MAI, SRA
Kevin F. Naughton, MAI
Kimberly A. Lorenz, MAI, SRA
Kristy W. Milton, SRA
L Steven Noble, MAI, SRA
L. J Dornak
L. Yeatts, SRA
Laurie A. Coffey, SRA
Lawrence E. Waterbury
Lawrence I. McGuire, Jr, SRA
Lawrence J. Colorito, Jr, MAI
Leavelle P. Rapp, SRA
Leslie D. Spruance, SRA
Leslie M. Jester
Linda S. Braley, SRA
Luzette R. Eaves
Lyn B. Holt, MAI
M. Barron Kesser, SRA
M. David Fry, Jr, SRA
M. Scott Vail, SRA
Maggie Straub
Majorie C. Mastin, SRA
Marilyn Miller, MAI
Mark Chamblee Boykin, MAI, SRA
Mark D. Milbrath, MAI
Mark T. Shelton, MAI
Mary G. Vazquez
Mary L. Schweitzer
Mason, Bruce & Girard
Matthew B. Solomond, MAI
Matthew C. Ball, Jr.
Matthew D. Ripley, MAI
Matthew H. Barber, MAI
Matthew J. Wilson, SRA
Matthew Mitchell, MAI
Melanie H. Kidd, SRA
Melissa A. Jones
Melissa F. Simmons, SRA
Melvin L. Clark, Jr., MAI
Michael A. Knight
Michael A. Moritz, MAI
Michael A. Russell, MAI
Michael C. Boggs
Michael F. Berry, MAI
Michael G. Miller, MAI, SRA
Michael Hart
Michael J. Carey, MAI
Michael J. Jackie, SRA
Michael J. Simerlein
Michael K. Kasunic, SRA
Michael P. Cummings, MAI
Michael S. Larson, MAI
Mitchel B. Freedman, MAI
Myers & Woods Appraisal Group, Inc
Myers & Woods Appraisal Group, Inc.
N. Page Smith, MAI
Nicholas W. Lustrino
Nicholas W. Paxson, II, MAI
Nicole Allen, MAI
Norman I. Myers, MAI
Otis Ellsworth Butler, III
P. Michael Germano, SRA
Pamela C. Mack
Patricia A. O'Grady, MAI
Patricia C Boone, MAI
Pearl M. Ibarra, SRA
Peter E. Winters, Jr
Peter M. McCrary, MAI
Peter S. Eckert, MAI, SRA
Philip A. Mottola
Philip D. Bailey, MAI
R. Todd Bankhead, MAI
Randall D. Switz, MAI
Randi Lemmon
Ray A. Millard, SRA
Ray E. Whaley, SRA
Raymond Burt
Raymond H. Thomas, SRA
Rebecca L. Delgado
Rebel Adams Powell, MAI, SRA
Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC
Richard Andrew Hareza, MAI
Richard C. Daniel, SRA
Richard E. McMurran, Jr, SRA
Richard E. Thompson
Richard J. Bowman, SRA
Richard N. Olsen, MAI
Richard Paul, SRA
Richard W. Taylor, Jr
Rick Phillips, SRA, AI-RRS
Robert F. Abernathy, SRA
Robert G Gentry, MAI
Robert G. Johnson, MAI
Robert H. Mitchell, SRA
Robert W. Taylor, MAI, SRA
Robert W. Watts, SRA
Ronald A. DiPietro, SRA
Roy L. Relph, MAI
S. Celeste Mohon, SRA
S. Kirk Johnson, MAI
Samuel B. Long, MAI, SRA
Shela E Edmonds, SRA
Smith S. Worthy, MAI
Stephen D. Donahoe, SRA
Stephen M. Smith
Stephen P. Kisska, MAI, SRA
Steven J. Feyerick, SRA
Steven L. Young, SRA
Stevens L. Burkett, SRA
Stuart D. Holtzman, MAI
Summer Back
Terrance McPherson
Theresa G. Dunleavy
Theresa M. Born
Thomas D. Barlow, MAI, SRA
Thomas D. Fleming
Thomas E. Reed, SRA
Thomas E. Rowley, IV
Thomas M. Tye, MAI, SRA
Thomas O. McCoy, MAI
Thomas V. Giovinazzo, SRA
Tim M. Metzger
Timothy D. Herndon, SRA
Todd W. Ohlerich, MAI
Tom R. Murray, III, SRA
Trevor Dusing
Troy D. Sivak, MAI
Valerie Lynn Kelsey, MAI
Vicki Lynn Bridger, SRA
W. Scott Gudely, MAI
Wendy J. Ellis, SRA
Will E. Leonard, III, SRA
William A. Austin, MAI
William A. Hansen, IV, MAI
William A. Hopkins, Jr, MAI, SRA
William A. Kittilstad
William D. Ceccolini, MAI
William E. Culbertson, SRA
William F. Lane, MAI
William Harvey, II, CCIM, MAI
William R. O'Neill, MAI
William T Barber, Jr, MAI
William W. Callahan, Jr
William W. Sanford, Jr., MAI
Woody R. Fincham, SRA
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