Fire Services / Prescribed Burning serving Virginia
Ben Lane
Eastern Virginia Forestry Services, LLC - Franklin, VA
Brian W. Morse
Virginia Forestry and Wildlife Group - Certified Wildlife Biologist - Afton, VA
Chloeta Fire Inc.
Mark Masters - Midwest City, OK
Coalition of Prescribed Fire Councils Inc.
- Monroe, GA
Curtis Berry
C&M Land Worx - Kenbridge, VA
Dave Houttekier
Asst. Director Fire and Emergency Response - Virginia Department of Forestry - Charlottesville, VA
Fire Research And Management Exchange System
Lynn Wells - Program Manager - Moscow, ID
Fire Science Online
- San Francisco, CA
Forests and Rangelands
- Washington, DC
Fred Turck
Prevention Program Manager - Virginia Department of Forestry - Charlottesville, VA
James D. Funk
Forest Synergy, LLC - Locust Grove, VA
John Miller
Director of Fire and Emergency Response - Virginia Department of Forestry - Charlottesville, VA
Karen Johansen
Wildwood Management - Owner - Bishop, GA
Komodo Fire
- Los Gatos, CA
Leif Riddervold
Virginia Forestry and Wildlife Group - Environmental Scientist - Afton, VA
Mark Howell
Grounded Truths LLC - Director/Emergency & Fire Mgmt Specialist - Doniphan, MO
McChesney 'Ches' Goodall III
Virginia Forestry and Wildlife Group - Consulting Forester - Afton, VA
McChesney Goodall
Virginia Forestry & Wildlife Group - Consulting Forester - Afton, VA
National Association of State Foresters
- Washington, DC
National Interagency Fire Center
- Boise, ID
National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center
- Tallahassee, FL
Ready, Set, Go!
- Fairfax, VA
RX Fire Effects LLC
- Mt. Crawford, VA
Sandy Mills
Fire and Water Quality Programs Coordinator - Virginia Department of Forestry - Charlottesville, VA
Shortleaf Pine Initiative
- Athens, GA
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
North Carolina State University Extension Forestry - Raleigh, NC
Southern Fire Exchange
Kevin Robertson - Fire Ecology Research Scientist - Tallahassee, FL
Sustainable Solutions LLC
James Remuzzi - President and Founder - Shepherdstown, WV
Timberlands Unlimited, Inc.
David L. Jennette Jr - Windsor, NC
Virginia Department of Forestry
- Charlottesville, VA
Virginia Firewise Community Grants
Virginia Department of Fire Programs - Charlottesville, VA
Virginia Prescribed Fire Council
- Charlottesville, VA
Virginia Wildfire and Forest Protection
Virginia Department of Forestry - Charlottesville, VA
Watch Duty
Sherwood Forestry Service, Inc - Santa Rosa, CA
Wildland Forestry & Environmental, Inc
Brandon Price - Consulting Wildlife Forester - Madison, NC