Prescribed Fire Services
- Prescribed Fire Planning
- Prescribed Fire Burn Boss/Certified Burn Manager (MO Statewide - other States dependent on Rx burning laws/requirements in that State)
- Learn to Burn Experiences
- Fire Effects Monitoring & Training in Fire Effects Monitoring
- Prescribed Fire Training & Education
Community Wildfire Protection Services
- Structure Protection and Preparation in Wildland Fire Operations
- Wildland Fire Operations & Mitigation Training for Rural & Volunteer Fire Depts
- Community Wildfire Protection Planning
- Hazard Fuels Mitigation Planning
- FireWise Communities USA Assistance
- Community Wildfire Defense Grant Consulting
- Wildland Fire Cohesive Strategy Assistance and Grant Consulting
Fire Management Intelligence & Planning/Spatial Analysis/GIS Services
- Spatial Fire Analysis and Modeling (IFTDSS)
- Wildland/Prescribed Fire Mapping Services
- Weather/Fuels Intelligence Reports
- General GIS Services
Other Wildland, Prescribed Fire, and Fire Mitigation/Protection services available, just ask!
- 3 years Kings County (CA) Fire Dept - rural structural & wildland fire operations experience, skills at the Fire Appratus Engineer level
- 14 years w/ US Forest Service full-time/year-round in progressive Fire Management positions:
- 8 years Sequoia NF (Central CA) - Wildland Fire Apprentice 2008-2012; then promoted to Fire Captain, Emergency Command Center (Central California Interagency ECC) 2012-2016 - specialized in large incident management and rapid incident response coordination, Fire Intelligence (weather/fuels conditions), and complex/numerous incident coordination
- 4 years Malheur NF (NE OR) (2016-2020) - Supervisory Fire Prevention/Mitigation/Education Specialist & Detection Program Supervisor - served as field Initial Attack Incident Commander, Fire Analyst for Prevention/Mitigation, Fire Law Enforcement/Investigations, and served on planning teams for prescribed fire, FireWise, and other wildland fire mitigation projects. Significant Fire Effects Monitoring experience
- 2 years Mark Twain NF (SE MO) (2020-2021)- Zone Fuels Technician - planned, laid out, prepared, implemented, and monitored ~20,000 ac of Prescribed Fire activity per year utilizing aerial ignition technique on the South Fire Zone.
- Graduate of Joint Interagency Wildland Fire Apprenticeship Program (4,000 work hour Fire Management Apprenticeship) - USDOL-Certified Wildland Firefighter Specialist
- Graduate of USFS Field Command School Program for Large All-Risk and Wildfire Incident Management - Planning Section Chief emphasis
- Instructing experience (M-410 Facilitative Instructor qualified)
- NWCG Basic Fire School (S-130/S-190/L-180) and RT-130 Annual Fire Refresher courses for 8 years
- Designed and presented Fire Ecology learning experiences for 3rd grade through adult audiences during time on Malheur NF (4 years)
- Currently on cadre for University of Idaho S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (2+ years)
- One of few Subject Matter Experts in Missouri on Interagency Fuels Treatment Decision Support System (IFTDSS) and its use for spatial fire modeling/planning and Quantitiatve Wildfire Risk Assessments
?Now, I'm Captain of my own ship, Grounded Truths LLC, and looking to bring my experience and knowledge to help you better Plan, Prepare, and Act for Wildfire and Prescribed Fire.
Contact Mark Howell
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of VirginiaLandCAN.
Mark Howell is not employed by or affiliated with the Virginia Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Mark Howell
Grounded Truths LLC
Director/Emergency & Fire Mgmt Specialist
12 Fox Drive
Doniphan, MO 63935
Phone: (573) 889-2559
Service Area
National service provider