Biologists / Ecologists serving Virginia
Aaron Proctor
VDGIF Biologist - Charles City, VA
Andy Rosenberger
Private Lands Biologist - Marion, VA
Bat Conservation International
- Austin, TX
Betsy Stinson
VDGIF Biologist - Blacksburg, VA
Bill Bassinger
VDGIF Biologist - Marion, VA
Brandon Smith
HHNT, Inc. - Senior Ecologist - Savannah, GA
C&S Environmental Consulting
Buford E. Collier - Senior Environmental Project Manager - Kilgore, TX
Celia Vuocolo
Private Lands Biologist - Hanover, VA
Cirrus Ecological Solutions
Neal Artz - Logan, UT
Conservation Biology Institute
- Corvallis, OR
Conservation Ecology LLC
Christopher R. Wilson - Owner, Wildlife Ecologist, Conservation Scientist - Hendersonville, NC
Dan Lovelace
VDGIF Biologist - Forest, VA
David Kocka
VDGIF Biologist - Verona, VA
- Arlington, VA
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
Duane H. Buelow - President & Chief Technology Officer - Oshkosh, WI
Elizabeth Elliott
Private Lands Biologist - Verona, VA
Environmental Services, Inc.
Gary Howalt - Jacksonville, FL
Forest Biometrics Research Institute
- Portland, OR
Fred Frenzel
VDGIF Biologist - Edinburg, VA
Great Ecology
- San Diego, CA
Iara Lacher
Seven Bends Nursery - Ecologist / Consultant - Berryville, VA
Jackson Environmental Consulting Services, LLC
Jeremy L.Jackson - Ecologist, President/Owner - Richmond, KY
Jay Howell
Small Game Project Leader - Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries - Henrico, VA
Jeremiah R Pinto
USDA Forest Service: Reforestation, Nurseries, & Genetics Resources - Research Plant Physiologist, Tribal Nursery Specialist - Moscow, ID
John Sanderson
Center for Collaborative Conservation - Director - Fort Collins, CO
Kagan Davis
FTN Associates Ltd. - Ecologist - Fayetteville, AR
Karen Johansen
Wildwood Management - Owner - Bishop, GA
Katie Martin
VDGIF Biologist - Farmville, VA
Kevin Rose
VDGIF Biologist - Fredericksburg, VA
Linda Ziccardi
Alpine EcoSciences LLC - Owner - Golden, CO
Living Habitats LLC
Heidi Natura, PLA, ASLA, LEED AP - Principal & CEO - Chicago, IL
Marc Puckett
Small Game Project Leader - Farmville, VA
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
- Portland, OR
Mike Dye
VDGIF Biologist - Fredericksburg, VA
Mike Fies
Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources - Furbearer Biologist - Henrico, VA
Peter Acker
Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries - Biologist - Chesapeake, VA
Project Monarch Health
- Athens, GA
Protect U.S. Community Invasive Species Network
Amanda Hodges, Ph. D. - Protect US Coordinator - Gainesville, FL
Robert Glennon
Private Lands Biologist - Charles City, VA
Russell Calvin
Benchmark Ecological Services, Inc. - Project Manager / Environmental Scientist - Brookshire, TX
Scott Assenheimer
Canvas Natural Resource Solutions, LLC - Forester-Wildlife Biologist - Longview, TX
Seth Thompson
VDGIF Biologist - Wise, VA
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts
Bradden Kerr - Senior Fishery Biologist - Tualatin, OR
Synergy Resource Solutions, Inc.
- Belgrade, MT
The Bobwhite Quail in Virginia
VDGIF - Richmond, VA
Todd Engelmeyer
VDGIF Biologist - Charles City, VA
Tyler Newton
Private Lands Biologist - South Boston, VA
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Washington, DC
- Los Angeles, CA
USA National Phenology Network
- Tucson, AZ
Virginia Wetland Consulting
Anderson J. Hudson, PWS, PWD - Quinton, VA
Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc.
- Cheyenne, WY