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Find information and resources in Southside Region


Working Lands for Wildlife

Information on Wildlife, the NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife Program, Native and Invasive plant and animal species including info on: Native Species, Game and Non-game Wildlife, Federally Listed Species, Species of Special Concern, Non-native Wildlife and invasive species.

Alternative Energy and Green Building Resources

Alternative and Clean Energy Information, Best Management Practices, Energy Saving Products, and Local Professionals to help with your Green Building and Renewable / Alternative Energy Goals.

Carbon Sequestration

Information on Conservation Markets, Carbon Credits, Mitigation Banking and the resources and professionals to help.

Conservation Resources

Information on Conservation Markets, Carbon Credits, Mitigation Banking and the resources and professionals to help.

Farm Resources

Information, Best Management Practices and Resources to help you conserve your farm and pass it on to your family. Also we have information on Agritourism, Organic Certification, and Beginning Farmers.

Federal and State Conservation Programs

Find grant and assistance programs, Extensions, and Resource Conservation Districts to help achieve your conservation goals.

Forest Resources

Forest information, Best Management Practices, and resources on; Carbon Sequestration, Fire Management, and Forestry Management.

Outdoor Recreation

Information and resources on: Cultural Tourism (history and culture), Nature-Based Tourism, Hunting & Fishing, and River Recreation.

Prescribed Fire

Information and resources on Prescribed Burning, Wildfire Preparation including; Firewise Communities, Laws and Regulations, Expert Assistance, and Education.

Tax and Estate Planning

Tax and Estate information and resources on: Succession Planning, Conservation Easements, Tax Credit trading and 1031 exchanges.