The Acquisition of Conservation Easements (“ACE”) program was designed to provide a financial incentive for landowners of modest means to protect their family farm from future development. For eligible properties, the County appraises the property and its proposed easement, and pays the landowner up to 100% of easement value, based on a sliding adjusted gross income scale.
Each year, the ACE program has an application/enrollment deadline on October 31st. A ranking evaluation system is used to award points from 17 different evaluation criteria including: 1) open space resources (parcel size or whether a property adjoins other permanently protected property); 2) threat of conversion to development and; 3) natural, cultural, historical or scenic resources (mountaintops, working family farms, important viewsheds, scenic highways and rivers, watersheds, productive soils and historically significant properties). Any property that earns a minimum of 20 points is eligible for consideration. Due to limited funding each year; however, properties with the highest point total are the highest priority.
Contact Albemarle County Acquisition of Conservation Easements
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of VirginiaLandCAN.
Albemarle County Acquisition of Conservation Easements is not employed by or affiliated with the Virginia Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Albemarle County Acquisition of Conservation Easements
401 McIntire Road
North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Phone: 434-296-5832, ext 3249
Fax: 434-972-4126
Service Area
Services provided in:
- Albemarle County, Virginia